Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Go follow Zippy Zappy for 5 bonus entries in the contest

I was going to post a winner for the 2014 Topps Blaster this morning, but somewhere along about 3 in the morning, I discovered Kenny aka Zippy Zappy had started a blog.  

Many of you have been the recipients of some nice trade packages and surprise packages from Kenny so I thought I'd give him a little boost to start his blog.  I've personally received three packages that I can recall.  

How about that for a nice card?  That was from Kenny.  

Go follow him at Cervin' Up Cards and come back leave a comment that you've done so.  I'll give you 5 bonus entries in the randomizer for the blaster. 

Welcome to the blogging side of the blogosphere Kenny!

Since I'm giving you all a chance to follow Kenny, I'll go ahead and leave the contest open today and have a winner for you tomorrow morning.  


  1. I'm glad to see he's now "one of us". I'm now a follower!

    1. I agree. He's sent a few awesome PWEs my way.
      Now following the Zapster as well.

  2. Yep I've been Zapped a couple times. Added him to my blogroll and looking forward to reading him.

  3. Thanks for letting us know about the new blog! I added him to my blogroll.

  4. Thanks for the heads up, I have added Kenny to the blogroll as well.

  5. Will be following this one closely. Kenny is a great trader and all around awesome guy.

  6. Thanks Brian. The number of page views shot up instantly :).

  7. Followed. I wondered when he was going to start one.

  8. Added to my RSS reader, I didn't see a follow/join button anywhere

  9. It's about time! Too bad he's a Yankees fan... just kidding Kenny ;-)

  10. Am I missing something I went to the blog but don't see were to subscribe or add? Oh well

  11. added, thanks for giving a clue to the clueless!!

  12. After seeing some of the comments here I've tried adding a subscription box gadget. Or is everyone else referring to the Google+ Followers gadget?

    1. Zippy there is usually a "Followers" and "Join this site" but didn't see it on yours but I have not Idea why not???

  13. never heard of the lad, so I went there.... can't follow as there is no follow widget. But I saved him in my favourites.
    Counts, yes?
