Saturday, December 4, 2010

Planting Seeds Update 2

Day 2 of seed planting went as well as Day 1. My son gave away the remaining 15 packs of cards and there was happiness in the land. Well, mostly. He still had a few kids wanting cards, which is perfect, and I'll make up some more packs over the weekend. We'll be starting basketball soon too, so that will be another opportunity to pass out cards.

I was really touched by the people who offered to send me cards after the first update post. I'm really flattered that they would offer to help out in that way. I do want to say that I didn't write that post as a plea for cards. I would love it if other people who had cards to spare would give them away in their own area. I know there was a blogger who was trying to give 1,000,000 cards away to needy kids at one point, but I don't know if that effort is still underway. I think that is as generous a use of cards as I've seen.

I'm more than happy to pass out cards to kids in my town, even it they are your cards. I'm certainly not trying to be unappreciative of the offers either, but I'll only accept if there isn't any avenue for you to give them away in your town.

After all, if the only seeds that get planted are in my area, then I'll have too many people competing with me for Rangers cards!

1 comment:

  1. this is a super are bring happiness to kids in your town and to think, these kids will one day be the future of the hobby and our trading partners...
