Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween and a Contest Update
Hot Boxes and Trade Packages
That leads me to trade packages. I love getting those in the mail. It is like getting your own hand selected hot box. Every card in there is one you want...sometimes they are "hits", sometimes team favorites or set needs, sometimes even vintage cards of favorite players or teams. Many times the trade packages have cards that were not mentioned in the trade, but were added by the other person just because they were being generous. As you all know, there are many generous people out there.
Trading is what drew me in to the blogosphere. I somehow came across somebody's blog and then while checking their blogroll, noticed people were trading cards. Good old-fashioned who cares about the price guide, let's make a deal where both parties are happy, take me back to my childhood trading. After much delay, I decided to start blogging too. It has been a great way to look back and reflect on my collecting days and has been just as fun as the trading.

I've been delaying posting my trades because I don't have a scanner and that is about to end. I've done nearly 40 trades now (15 more than above) and until I get a scanner, I'm going to start taking pictures of my end of the trades. I still get a kick out of seeing the cards I sent to someone posted on their blog and I think it's time I started returning the favor. I enjoy reading everyone else's trade posts and seeing some of the cards that are racking up the airline miles going to various points across the U.S and around the world.
So, thanks to all of you who have traded with me, held contests that I won (and didn't win), and generally made this hobby fun for me again. I can't promise that the trade posts will be in order, but if we have traded, it will definitely be posted somewhere along the way.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 12
World Series Game 2: Phillies 1 Yankees 3
Series tied 1-1
The Phillies should be pretty happy to go home with the Series tied. Now if Cole Hamels can just pull his head out and re-capture some of last year's magic.
64 Alex Rodriguez
ARod appears to be reverting to playoff form of years gone by. Here's hoping he keeps it up. So far his stat line looks like this: 8AB, 0 hits, runs, rbis, walks and stolen bases, 6 Ks (my personal favorite) and two men lob.
119 Carl Yastremski
One of my favorites.
45 Peyton Manning Gypsy Mini
85 Lance Berkman
There you have it. Hopefully the 39 pitches Mariano Rivera threw to get the 2 inning save in Game 2 will come back to bite Girardi in the butt.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Putting cards to good use
I moved back home (briefly) when I left the military back in 1994. Packed safely away in the numerous boxes the Navy so kindly shipped home were well over 150,000 junk wax cards from 1988-1992. I was out of work for about 7 months and spent a portion of that time trying to sort through the chaos that was my collection. I knew those cards were never going to worth the money they originally cost, so I decided to relieve myself of the burden of storing some of them. I contacted a local children's hospital and asked if they would like some cards to pass out to the kids. The lady I spoke to couldn't say yes fast enough and said they would take all the cards I wanted to give. I spent a week or so packing 1000 team set bags with 30 cards each. I was counting to 30 in my sleep. I took them to the hospital, loaded them in a big wagon and pulled them into the office of the lady I had spoken to earlier. She was overwhelmed. She said she appreciated me putting the cards in the bags, but it really wasn't necessary. That just meant I could bring more cards with less labor the next time. I did get a nice letter from the hospital and a tax write-off (don't ask how I valued the cards, I don't remember), but knowing that some kids might forget about being in the hospital for one second was enough for me. I'm not posting this to pat myself on the back, but rather to put the idea out there for anyone who has never thought of donating cards. Troll, thanks for jogging my memory and reminding us all of a way to give a little to lift someone else's spirits.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 11
World Series Game 1: Phillies 6 Yankees 1
Phil lead 1-0
Can Cliff Lee pitch on zero days rest? Just a thought.
26 Hiroki Kuroda
He looks really happy on this card. I wonder what he was thinking?
50 Mike Schmidt
He's happy today.
A-NM Nick Markakis
Sweet, an on-card auto from Mr. Nick Markakis! I love some on-card auto goodness. You can see a scan of the card over at Beardy's blog.
148 David Price
Hey Troll, does this guy have any upside? Just kidding.
I'd love it if I only had to bust 3 more packs to done with the playoff pack breaks...hint, hint. Go PHILS!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
New World Series Schedule and Former Rangers Fail
Game 2 on 11/2: Phillies starter-Cliff Lee
Game 3 on 11/7: Phillies starter-Cliff Lee
Game 4 on 11/12: Phillies starter-Cliff Lee
Game 5...oh yea, we don't need a game 5!
Cliff Lee, Game 1: 9 IP, 6H, 1R, 0ER, 0BB, 10SO, 0HR, 0.67 WHIP, 0.00 ERA.
Rest up Mr. Lee, you earned it.
I don't expect it to continue, but it was nice to see some former Texas Rangers fail in Game 1.
Mark Teixeira and Alex Rodriguez combined to go 0-8, no runs, hits or walks and 5 strikeouts. Keep it up fellas.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
World Series Contest Time!
Phillies and Yankees Deja Vu..or Don't Let Granny Lead Your Team in Hitting
The first World Series I remember watching was the 1979 version between the Pirates and the Orioles. That Series featured "Pops" Stargell and "Family" defeating the Orioles 4-3. I don't think we'll see the Pirates back in the World Series anytime soon.
The first World Series that meant anything to me was the 1980 matchup in which the Phillies took down the Royals 4-2. The only reason that meant anything to me was because I started collecting baseball cards in 1981 and the first player I pulled that I had heard of was Steve Carlton. Mr. Carlton went 2-0 in the 1980 Series with a 2.40 ERA and 17 strikeouts.
Now back to the reason for this post.
The Yankees and Phillies met in the 1950 World Series. You remember that don't you? I'm sure some of your fathers remember. The Yankees swept the Phillies in 4 games. The stats show baseball was a different beast back in those days. The Yankees and Phillies each used only 5 pitchers in the 4 game series. Your winning Yankees pitchers were Tom Ferrick (in relief of Ed Lopat), Whitey Ford, Vic Raschi and Allie Reynolds. The Yankees pitching staff posted a 0.73 ERA with 24 Ks in the 4 wins. The Phillies used Ken Heintzelman, Jim Konstanty, Russ Meyer, Bob Miller and Robin Roberts. They put up an impressive 2.27 ERA with 12 strikeouts in the 4 games.
With such quality pitching, you know the hitting statistics can't be very good. The Yankees hit .222 as a team, with 2 HRs, 11 RUNS and 10 RBIs. Some guys names Dimaggio and Berra hit the homers. As anemic as that sounds, the Phillies offense was worse. They hit .203 as a team, with 0, as in ZERO, HRs, 5 RUNS and 3 RBIs. The Phillies leading hitter was Granny Hamner and I'll tell you right now, if Granny is your leading hitter, you are in TROUBLE!
The 2009 version of the Phillies need a repeat of 2008, not 1950. Jump out to early leads and pray you get the Brad Lidge of last year's World Series and this year's NLCS.
Look for a World Series Contest post later today.
Friday, October 23, 2009
My collecting goals and wantlist wannabe
I do know what I like and I'm going to tell you so you'll know...hint, hint.
I like to think of myself as a team collector with a dash of set collector mixed in (for a chosen few sets). I also have one theme collection going and a few players that I really enjoy collecting. I'm not going to keep you in suspense, I'm just going to make a list.
Team: Texas Rangers
Theme: plays at the plate...shocker right?
Players: Will Clark is my all-time favorite player.
Carl Yazstremski
Rusty Greer
Joe Mauer
Catchers: Ivan Rodriguez-Ranger uni or not
Joe Mauer- I know he's on the list above, but he's a catcher, so he gets double billing
Johnny Bench
Carlton Fisk
I'm eventually going to start chasing after some of the sets from the 70s...maybe when I get caught up with posting trades and creating wantlists and have some free time.
No really, I mean it.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 10
Game 6A: Rainout
36 Lyndon Johnson
Maybe LBJ will make an appearance in the 2010 A&G in a Conspiracy Theory for thought.
44 Barack Obama Moonlight SP
This nothing for or against Obama as President ( I do have an opinion, but that's a different blog), but ENOUGH Obama cards please!
97 Johan Santana mini
37 Whitey Ford
I do like the old-timers on the retro cards.
ALCS Game 6B: Angels 2 Yankees 5
Yankees win the ALCS 4-2
Nothing like giving away the deciding game of the ALCS. Let's hope the Phillies are a little less generous than the Angels.
95 Alfonso Soriano
122 Jonathan Papelbon
31 Hanley Ramirez mini
121 Dustin Pedroia
Not a bad pack if you're a Red Sox fan...which I'm not.
I'm still hoping for some type of hit before the end of the box.
See you back here for Game 1 of the World Series. GO PHILLIES!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I saw what you did...and I tattled
On our way to checkout, I noticed a 40-something guy and a 30-something guy looking at cards. When I say looking, I mean molesting the cards. I was disappointed packsearchers had discovered the place, but I suppose it was inevitable. As I watched the two it became clear that the older guy was getting a lesson in packsearching from the younger guy. I was witnessing Packsearching 101, a class not offered at the local community college! It was amazing to me how brazen they were about what they were doing. They were fairly loud and animated. I saw them set aside 7 or 8 packs of cards from the various boxes. My son wanted to know what they were doing and I told him what they were doing and why. He made the connection immediately and said "no wonder I never get a card with a little jersey in it".
Normally, I wouldn't have bothered to say a word, but the fact that my son realized how packsearchers affect other people really ticked me off. Being a manly man, I checked out and found the store manager. That's right...don't mess with me dude! The two "offenders" were still going at it and I told him what they were doing and that it wasn't fair to others and made his store look sorry. I also told him I was a writer and had many (28 is many right?) readers that shopped at Target who might not look favorably on this story. He didn't need to know that by "writer", I meant blogger and that there was virtually no way anyone that reads my blog would ever be near his store. He went over to the guys and talked to them for a couple of minutes. They left WITHOUT buying any cards at all! I know what you're thinking, but I did not go pick up the packs they didn't buy. The manager came back and said he told them they were welcome to shop in the store, but not to "damage" the products. Yay manager! You might think the story ends there, but you would be wrong.
Like any good father/collector I'm teaching my son the right way to collect. In this case, that means he ripped open our packs in the car before we started driving. Just like I would never let him see my drinking, I don't want him to see me ripping packs while I'm driving. He pulled a couple of Rangers in his packs and then the best part was he pulled a Howie Kendrick Jersey out of one of the Goodwin packs! He didn't know what it was at first, but was very excited when I told him he could keep it. He said, " I guess those cheater don't get them all"! Boy was he right.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 9
Game 5 ALCS: Yankees 6 Angels 7
Yankees lead 3-2.
149 Ryan Ludwick
Really not a flattering card.
11 Johnny Bench
I do like some catcher goodness, especially a Hall of Famer like Bench.
2012 Jack Nicklaus 20th Anniversary
VOTC bound.
54 Kosuke Fukudome
Well, Bench saved that pack from being the worst one yet.
Phillies, get your rest!!
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 8
On a separate note, I realize that I am not thrilled doing this playoff pack break without a scanner. I do enjoy reading pack/box breaks on other blogs, but not being able to post scans of the cards really takes away from the experience for me. I'll finish up with the breaks through the World Series, but won't do anymore until I can post pics. That means I won't be posting the UD SP Authenic blasters that I bought, but I will be sending some out to trade partners.
I've put it off long enough so let's get to it.
Game 5 NLCS: Dodgers 4 Phillies 10
Phillies win NLCS 4-1
35 Clayton Kershaw
Clayton, better luck next year.
63 Brian Roberts
Slightly goofy grin.
249 Brad Lidge exclusive mini (does that mean I have the only one? I think not.)
I guess it was appropriate that I pulled this one. Lidge had an up and down season, but has been solid this postseason.
108 Tim Lincecum
This closes out a very pitcher friendly pack. I'll be back with another ALCS pack break Thursday night. Go pains me to think, much less say that out loud.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
West Coast Fail?
The last time MLB had an all East Coast World Series was 2003 when the Florida Marlins beat the New York Yankees 4-2. Florida won two titles in seven years AND is two for two in World Series appearances.
The last time MLB had an all West Coast World Series was 2002 when the then Anaheim Angels beat the San Francisco Giants 4 -3. That also happened to be the last 7 game Series.
Go Dodger Blue! Normally I would wish mega failure on Vincente Padilla, but I'll root for him tonight.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 7
Game 4: Yankees 10 Angels 1
Yankees lead 3-1
92 Dennis Eckersley
117 Carlos Zambrano
144 Cliff Lee
Money for the Phillies, but he's dressed like an Indian on this card. Must be his Halloween costume.
23 Kevin Youkilis
I'm thinking good thoughts for tomorrow's pack break and Game 5 of the NLCS.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The man returns and shows his true colors
What he did next was pretty pathetic.
My wife and boys had walked a couple of houses over and I mentioned to my oldest to look for any cards that might be for sale. Low and behold, he found a bucket of mixed cards that had a small "FREE CARDS" sign on it. I was proud of him for picking out about 20 cards, including one for me, and leaving plenty in the bucket for the next kid that came along. The problem was, the next person to come along was HIM. My wife said he didn't say a word to anyone, pulled out a kitchen sized trash bag and dumped the entire contents of the bucket into the bag. Pretty low-class move if you ask me. I don't have an issue with anyone, kid or grown-up, walking up to the sale and buying cards, but when a 60 year old man takes cards that are meant for kids, that gets my blood boiling. It's not like he got anything valuable. All the cards my son picked out were early 90s junk wax without one single "name" player, much less any Hall of Famers.
I want to have one more sale just so he'll come back and I can let him know how I feel. I don't have much to spare, but I'm saving one small piece of my mind so I can give it to him if see him again.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 6
Game 2 NLCS: Phillies 1 Dodgers 2
Series tied 1-1
5 Albert Pujols
146 Phil Hellmuth
54 Kosuke Fukudome mini
25 Hunter Pence
Game 1 ALCS: Angels 1 Yankees 4
Yankees lead 1-0
49 Ryan Braun
79 John Lackey
2383 Manny Ramirez 20th Anniversary
First of all, it's disturbing to have a card numbered 2383 in any set. I feel cheated out of a 4th card I might actually want in this pack.
62 Yogi Berra
Game 2 ALCS: Angels 3 Yankees 4
Yankees lead 2-0
104 Nate McLouth
130 Brandon Webb with apocalyptic background
237 Brad Ziegler mini
115 Smarty Jones
Game 3 NLCS: Dodger 0 Phillies 11
Phillies lead 2-1
26 Hiroki Kuroda
50 Mike Schmidt
80 Ivan Rodriguez
37 Whitey Ford
Game 4 NLCS: Dodgers 4 Phillies 5
Phillies lead 3-1
Heartbreaker for the boys in blue.
105 Evelyn Ng
13 Bill Skowron
121 Dustin Pedroia mini
85 Lance Berkman
Game 3 ALCS: Yankees 4 Dodgers 5
Yankees lead 2-1
39 Jay Bruce
65 Tiger Woods
39 Jay Bruce Gypsy Back mini
142 Zack Greinke
That finishes the first blaster of Goodwin. I guess the "hit" of the blaster must be the Bruce Gypsy back mini. I have one more blaster of Goodwins for the playoff breaks. Hopefully something better will show up.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
2010 Topps Playoff Highlights Card
Friday, October 16, 2009
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 5
Game 1 NLCS: Phillies 8 Dodgers 6
The Phils take a 1-0 lead in the series. I didn't see the game, but from the recap I heard on the radio it sounded as if young Mr. Kershaw had the "Hey, I'm the youngest LCS Game 1 Starter in history" jitters. Here's hoping I get only Dodgers and no Yankees in my next pack of Goodwin.
64 Alex Rodriguez--Really? No, REALLY? Of course the first card is a Yankee and to make matters worse it actually touched, therefore tainted, card number 2.
119 Carl Yaztremski--One of my top 5 favorites of all-time (Even if he did play for the Red Sox)
159 Howie Kendrick--Great, a card from the other team in the ALCS-did I tell you I don't want either team to win...just play on and on and on...wear yourselves out boys.
110 Matt Holliday--Close-up shot in his A's batting helmet. 'Sigh'
I hope the rest of the packs do better, even though I did get the Yaz card.
--Side note-- I was asleep for most of the game (I work the night shift) but expected to hear the game on the radio on the way to work. ESPN promises to deliver every pitch of the playoffs. I get in the car, turn on the radio, and what do I hear? The post-game show for the Mavericks pre-season game? Come on ESPN 103.3 FM! I get that you're the "Home of the Mavericks", but give us a break. Please don't bump a real live game that actually counts for a pre-season game. Terrible programming choice.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Allen and Ginter TTM success!
According to Wikipedia, "Mariel Leigh Zagunis (born March 3, 1985 in Beaverton, Oregon) is an American Olympic sabre fencer, of Lithuanian heritage. She won the gold medals in the individual sabre at the 2004 Summer Olympics and the 2008 Summer Olympics. She is only the second American ever to have won a gold medal in Olympic fencing." If you can't trust Wikipedia, who can you trust?
I did a little research and through the miracle of the internet I was able to obtain an address. I sent her several minis and base cards and a note saying my boys and I were excited to add the first Gold Medalist auto to our collections. I sent extra cards so she could keep a few for herself. She did keep a couple of base cards and minis and this is what she sent back:
She personalized one for each of my boys as well as myself and also signed one base and one mini with just her name. Very cool and my boys will be so excited to see their names on the cards. The turnaround on the cards was about 3 weeks and fueled the TTM fire for me. I actually got back another TTM package today..but that's for a different post. Thanks to all the bloggers who have posted numerous TTM success stories...they inspired me to get involved and I love it!
Thousands of cards from the 50s, 60s and 70s--Conclusion
"We went to an old beat up house that was literally on the wrong side of the tracks. He knocked on the door and the "old guy" opened the door. As soon as I saw him I took a couple of steps back and whispered to my friend that I was NOT going in that house."
It turns out the "old guy" wasn't just old, (mid 40s seems old when you're 12) he was the creepy janitor from school. I was facing a major dilemma. Give in to the feeling that I didn't want to be in "old creepy guy's" house or go get some old Topps goodness. Well, obviously I used good judgement and decided that I needed those cards. We went in and again I was amazed. He had four of those large library card catalog cabinets lined up against one wall in his living room. Each one probably had 40-60 of those long drawers and they were full of thousands of Topps cards from the 50s, 60s and 70s. I handed over my binder of priceless 1981 Topps, Donruss and Fleer and started looking through a couple of drawers of cards. At some point it dawned on me how creepy the house was. It had a dank, musty odor and his mother was sitting on a chair watching televison. I would absolutely go crazy if my son went into a house like that today, but that's just me. I found some cards I wanted (ok, I wanted all of them) and he went all goofy over a 1981 Donruss #431 Red Schoendienst MGR card. Red managed the 1980 Cardinals to a stellar 18-19 record in 37 games in 1980, but was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1989 and managed the Cards to a World Series title in 1967. Anyway, the guy was a big Cardinals fan and he wanted any Redbird cards we had. Of course I would have handed the whole binder over if I had known what was going to happen.
I was pretty much a big chicken when I was a kid and decided I wasn't going back to that house ever again. My friend made several trips getting 400-500 cards from the man. We traded many of those cards back and forth for the next few months and I still have some of them. We found out later that he was mentally retarded and lived with his mother who was also mentally retarded. I doubt that would have meant anything to us back then or that it would have kept us from screwing him over on the trades. I'll never forget the sight of all those vintage cards. I didn't know much about cards at that time so I can't tell you I saw in '52 Mantles or old tobacco cards. I do know it was the most impressive collection I've ever seen in my life.
And the poor guy didn't know what he had. I recently found the binder I used to store these cards. I'll start posting some pics of the pages soon.
Thousands of cards from the 50s, 60s and 70s
1. Where did you get these?
2. Did you get any for me?
3. Can we go get some more?
He initially didn't want to answer question number 1 because he didn't want to lose out on future cards. He finally told me it was some "old guy" who wanted to trade for new cards. '81 Topps for 50s Topps...sign me up!
As for question two, that would be a big fat NO!! He did not get any for me, but did say I could trade for some of my own.
The answer to question three was what I wanted to hear. The "old guy" said he could come back anytime. I loaded up one of my binders in a backpack and hopped on my bike and off we went. We went to an old beat up house that was literally on the wrong side of the tracks. He knocked on the door and the "old guy" opened the door. As soon as I saw him I took a couple of steps back and whispered to my friend that I was NOT going in that house.
To be continued......
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 4
Game 1: Phillies 5 Rockies 4
Phillies win the series 3-1
Another bad outing from Huston Street and the Phillies don't have to worry about the Colorado weather anymore. Now they can worry about the Philadelphia weather.
12 Matt Cain
36 Lyndon Johnson
108 Tim Lincecum mini--his windup is really too big for a mini.
57 Eli Manning--in Ole Miss uniform
Three Giants is a lot for a 4 card pack, even if one of them is a New York Football Giant. I do like the Lincecum mini though.
It looks like we should have Phils/Dodgers on Thursday and then both series going on Friday. I'll be back with more playoff pack breaks later this week.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Case Break over at Saints of the Cheap Seats
Cubs file for bankruptcy
New Super Target and Packsearcher Fail
First Contest Winner
Thanks again to everyone for making my first contest a good one.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 3
Friday--Game 1: Yankees 4 Twins 3
Yankees lead 2-0
75 Johan Santana
115 Brandon Boggs--Rangers goodness
68 Gary Sheffield
178 Josh Banks (Padres) Photographer's Proof auto #44/99--a sucky sticker auto, but that makes one auto in every blaster I've bought
144 Justin Ruggiano First Day Issue
Friday Game 2: Angels 4 Red Sox 1
Angels lead 2-0
77 Dan Uggla
98 Roberto Clemente--maybe the best card in the set
130 Brian Barton
25 Edinson Volquez
142 Greg Smith First Day Issue
That takes care of Friday and the Stadium Club.
The rest of the cards for the break will be 2009 Goodwin
Saturday Game: Dodgers 5 Cardinals 1
Dodgers sweep 3-0 Congrats to Night Owl, GCRL and any other Dodger blogger!
116 Kristi Yamaguchi--if they had to put a skater in why not Katarina Witt?
93 Daisuke Matsuzaka
77 Manny Ramirez mini
90 Jonathan Toews--Blackhawks hockey--I'm not thrilled about getting two non-baseball cards in one pack
Sunday Game 1: Phillies 6 Rockies 5
Phillies lead 2-1
75 Carlton Fisk--nice card of one of my favorites
102 Curtis Granderson
128 Bill Rodgers--marathoner, I've seen a lot of the auto'd versions on other blogs
138 Gary Sheffield
Sunday Game 2: Angels 7 Red Sox 6
Angels sweep 3-0
I'm not going to pile on Papelbon, but thanks! For nothing. Now my two least favorite AL teams are in the ALCS. I hope they play 7 games and they all go 15 innings and the eventual winner gets swept in 4.
20 Grady Sizemore
47 Nick Markakis
23 Kevin Youklis mini
81 Wayne Gretzky
Sunday Game 3: Yankees 4 Twins 1
Yankees sweep 3-0
See above comment regarding the Yankees/Angels
132 Chien-Ming Wang
143 Derrick Rose
147 Mark Teixeira
27 Derrek Lee
Figures I'd pull two Yankees in that pack. We'll back with another pack after Monday's Phils/Rocks game.
Pretty much everything is up for trade if you want/need it.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Trade packages...and my first contest--Free Goodwin goodies!

So, how about a little contest. I love contests and have won a few, but this will be my first. Here's what you don't have to do and what you do have to do to win. You don't have to announce the contest or link to it on your blog unless you want to. You don't have to be a follower of my blog unless you want to. You don't have to point out that I end a lot of my sentences with prepositions. You don't have to guess the exact score of game 7 of this year's World Series. You do have to enter a comment stating how many trade packages are in this picture. This is every trade package I've received so far. Each person gets one guess. Every person who guesses correctly will be entered in a random drawing and the winner will get 5 unopened retail packs of 2009 Goodwin goodness and a little something extra from their favorite team. I'll leave the contest open until I get to work Sunday don't wait, guess today! Good luck!
Friday, October 9, 2009
What ruined card trading for me
I was 11 years old and had recently discovered baseball cards. Growing up in a small (less than 2000 people) town, there were only four of us collecting cards. That might have been because only one small mom and pop shop ever had any cards and the four of us nearly killed each other to buy what cards were available. Whenever one of us would go out of town, we would get cards if we could and come back acting as if we were returning from the Crusades, showing off our new treasures. I think we started trading cards instinctively. It was just natural to trade doubles for cards we didn't have. Whenever one of us was able to get our hands on pre-1981 Topps cards it was like a feeding frenzy to trade whatever we could to get them. They didn't have to be stars, we were just amazed at how "old" they if 1979 Topps cards were that much older than the 81s we were opening.
One day, one of us ended up with one of those chunky little Beckett Price Guides that came out each year. That ruined our trading. Suddenly, it didn't matter if you needed or wanted a card as much as it mattered that the trade was even based on the card value. Or should I say "supposed" card value. Within a few months we quit trading altogether. It wasn't fun anymore. I don't blame Beckett, they were just a company with an idea and it led to much success and money for those inside the company. Even today, all these years later, Beckett is what it is. Some people don't like Beckett and have very valid reasons for their opinions. Pricing is too subjective and in Beckett's case their prices oftentimes don't seem to be based on reality--what a card is worth is what it sells for and Beckett doesn't reflect that accurately. Beckett, to me, is like some of the card like them or you don't. Obviously, I strayed from the subject of this post (I tend to do that). Thanks to that price guide, our trading came to a halt and my interest in collecting dropped off quite a bit. Fortunately, all these years later, I've rediscovered the joys of trading, but that's another post.
Playoff Pack Breaks Part 2
Game 1: Rockies 5 Phillies 4
Series now tied 1-1 (Like you didn't know that already)
1 Chase Utley
85 Matt Holiday--this is a good shot, a horizontal picture, bat coming forward, ball frozen in mid-air...and a huge section of empty seats in the background.
50 David Wright
53 Josh Hamilton--first Ranger, but I think I have it already.
105 Chris Carter First Day Issue
Game 2: Dodgers 3 Cards 2
Dodgers up 2-0
80 Ryan Braun
82 Manny Ramirez--the infamous "No umpire, actually in Boston, Dodger Manny card"
56 Garrett Atkins--reaching to swing at a ball that is definitely out of the strike zone
119 Jed Lowrie
106 Eric Hurley First Day Issue--2nd Ranger and one I needed
Game 3: Angels 5 Red Sox 0
Angels lead 1-0. I'm not a Red Sox fan, but I DO not want to see the Angels win
52 Vernon Wells--nice shot of him semi-diving to catch a ball
89 Hideki Matsui
14 Prince Fielder
131 Sean Rodriguez--another bunting shot
121 Matt Tolbert First Day Issue
There you have it. Nothing special again, but at least a couple of Rangers this time.
I won't be able to post after Saturday's games so I'll post 6 packs late Sunday night. Still hoping for a hit in the last two packs of Stadium Club. I've purchased 3 previous discounted blasters and pulled an auto in each one.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Playoff Pack Break

I have in front of me three blasters of Goodwin goodness and one of 2008 Stadium Club (discounted to $9.97). I'll bust one pack for each game and post the results...sans images of course since I still have't pulled the trigger on getting a scanner. So here we go, starting with the 2008 Stadium Club:
I know people have issues with this set, but the photography is very nice (for the most part) and I love discounted blasters.
Game 1: Phils 5, Rocks 1
11 David Ortiz--meh
104 Gregor Blanco (Braves)--bunting...hmm someone collects bunting shots
101 Luke Hochevar
29 Delmon Young--interesting, he's sliding back into first after a pick-off attempt against Detroit
111 Ryan Tucker First Day Issue (Marlins)
Game 2: Yanks 7, Twins 2
4 Todd Helton--really, a batting cage shot. Did the photographer have a plane to catch?
116 Johnny Cueto
58 Jose Reyes
73 Greg Maddux--stretching, I expect better from SC
114 Michael Aubrey First Day Issue (Indians)
Bonus...checklist, yawn! Bring back the rainbow of colors you used back in the 70's.
Game 3: Dodgers 5, Cards 3
83 Chipper Jones--funny shot after he slides into and past 2nd base
112 Joey Votto
31 Carl Crawford
37 Hanley Ramirez
117 Hernan Iribarren First Day Issue (Brewers)
Well, nothing spectacular, but a few I need for the set.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Twins win....but that's not breaking news anymore.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My story--Part 3, the ongoing saga
Monday, October 5, 2009
My story--part 2 The Middle and very nearly the end
My Rangers Wrap-Up
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Blog Theme
I'll be looking to add cards of plays at the plate to my collection. I already have some to scan in and three that I really love are highlighted over at Night Owl's Cardboard Appreciation Poll. You should definitely vote in that poll if you haven't already. I have those three and will be looking to add others via trade so hook a blogger up! Derek over at Hey That's Mine, I've been setting aside catcher cards as I go along, so I've already got a bunch of doubles with your name on them!
Friday, October 2, 2009
My story--part 1 The Beginning

Thursday, October 1, 2009
A first for me
Is it a desire to finally and officially introduce myself to the blogosphere? No.
Could it be the fact that my Rangers, yes MY Rangers, are finally, unavoidably and mathematically eliminated from the playoff hunt? No, that isn't it, but bring on Spring Training in 2010!! I'll watch the playoffs because I love playoff baseball, but I'll be thinking of spring...
The impetus for my first post is a retail blaster of cards I wish I hadn't purchased. 2009 Topps Ticket To Stardom. We have all read the various comments, both positive and negative, regarding Ticket to Stardom. I commented on someone's blog about what I didn't like. The dual jersey swatches with two of the exact same jersey pieces. The funky, off kilter blue box around the single swatches. Personally, I'm not a big fan of this product. I want any and all Rangers from this set, but that's just the team collector in me. The rest of it I can do without. I know all the arguments about retail and hobby and that is a subject I will discuss another time. The collation on this box was very off-putting for the collector in me. Time for a little blaster breakdown.
The box had eight 8 card packs for a total of 64 cards. I don't know why the manufacturers feel it is necessary to give me seven packs + a BONUS PACK!! Let's just call it eight packs and be happy. I received all 64 cards as advertised and suprisingly no doubles. No doubles you say? How could you not be happy with the collation Mr. Play at the Plate? Maybe I have the terminology wrong, but what I don't like is the mix of teams in the box. No Rays and no Giants. Now I don't collect those, but how can I send them to people who want them if I don't get them. Sorry to Marck at the Collective Troll and Matt over at the Giant Blog. Only two Rangers in the box. Maybe there are only two Rangers in the set. I don't know because they don't list this brand in their releases on the Topps website. I know, because I JUST checked. I did manage to pull 10 Yankees!! That is right, 10/64 cards were Yankees. Isn't that awesome...for Drew over at Drewscards because that is where these are going. I managed one Dodger for Night Owl. A couple of Brewers for Roll Out the Barrel. Four Braves for Captain Canuck at Waxaholic. One Ankiel for Cards on Cards. Two Mariners for First Day Issue. One measly Red for Nachos Grande. I did get 6 whole cards for JDs Wild Cardz (5 Red Sox). That means nearly 25% (15/64) of my cards were Red Sox or Yankees. And you say there is no East Coast bias. HA!! Let's not forget those two O's for Ryanmemorabilia and three Indians for David over at Tribecards. Is that guy generous or what? Let's not leave out Nobie over at Hey That's Mine who will be getting 3 cards and last, but not least, the Core Contrarian who gets one Tiger if he wants it. Basically, I will not be collecting this set if you couldn't tell by the post. I did pull two "Ticket to Stardom" inserts (1:4 packs), one "Big Ticket" insert (1:8) and one "Seasoned Veterans" insert (1:12). All of those, except the Seasoned Vet will be going out in the mail. I also pulled a number of those little perforated edge cards which I guess are some sort of parallel.
So, there you have it. I don't like Ticket to Stardom enough to collect it. I will be looking for any Rangers that come up so keep me in mind if you have any of those. If those of you I mentioned want the cards then leave me a comment. If we have traded before, I'll have your address and send the cards out. If we have not traded, I'll need an address via email also.
By the way, thank you Texas Rangers for being relevant for so long in 2009 and making this a year we could look back on with fond memories. All most baseball fans can hope for is for their team to make a run deep into the season. A glimmer of hope lives on for 2010 and I for one look forward to my favorite team reporting to camp next season.