Wednesday, June 20, 2012

But the year is only half over...

The year isn't even half over yet and there are only two products I'm still looking forward to seeing.

Allen & Ginter will arrive around July 11th.

Topps Chrome should be here around August 22nd.

**Heavy sigh**.

How about you?  What is still to come in 2012 that you are really looking forward to opening?


  1. I'll most likely be purchasing a case of 2012 chrome, did it last year and it was a ton of fun.

  2. A&G and that'll do.

    Just not into the current cards this year.

  3. The next thing I am looking forward to is Topps Update and Bowman Draft, primarily because Christian Friedrich will (should) be included. If that wasn't the case the next thing on my list would be 2013 Topps at least until I see a sell sheet and don't like it either.

    At least we always have older cards to keep us occupied until something good comes around.

  4. 2012 Triple Play

    "But that's for kids!" you say. Yes...yes it is. :-) But I'm hoping to take my 2.5-year-old to get a few packs of that and then put the little eye-black stickers on his face.

  5. I am not looking forward to much besides Ginter. I am mostly still trying to catch up and collect Gypsy Queen and Archives

  6. Besides my yearly A&G pilgrimage, I'm looking forward to Obak if it comes out again this year.

  7. I might go big on Allen and Ginter this year, and then probably not buy much the rest of the year. With a little one on the way in December, the wallet is going to close up.

  8. Not a big A&G fan, so there isn't much left for me this year. I'll still pick up some packs of whatever is out, but I'm not overly excited about anything yet to hit shelves.

  9. I guess I'm with you. I like Ginter, especially framed minis and Chrome is the way the base set should be done. But I sure am hungering for something different.

  10. From what I've seen this years A&G is going to be the best since its 2006 debut. I'm in.
