Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thanks to everyone

The New Year contest is over!  It's going to take me a few days to sort through your responses and announce a winner.  That shouldn't matter much since the prize hasn't even been released yet.

I'll leave you today with another thing to look forward to...

This is the loot I picked out from Target with a Christmas gift card.

2014 Chipz

2014 Update Mega Box with 2 packs of Chrome Update (and one less pack than it's supposed to have!)

The ever popular Fairfield repack.  

I'll be posting these over the next couple of days and I'll just tease you a bit by telling you that I did get a hit.  

Thanks for giving the blog a great start to 2015!


  1. Teasers are fun - and so were your questions!

  2. Thanks for the contest! Looking forward to seeing what those Target buys had in store.

  3. Thanks for the contest. I can't wait to see what's in those packs!
