They say imitation is the best form of flattery so I hope Night Owl takes it that way. He showed off his first atomic refractor yesterday and I'm showing off my first one today.
Everything Night Owl said about these atomic refractors is 100% correct. I won't completely plagarize his post, even if I did "borrow" the post title, but these things look great in person. The Cruz I got from Derek over at Tomahawk Chopping--Cardboard and More, is #203/225. I don't even care about the numbering. I just like holding it up and seeing the light bounce off the crazy thing.
I'm curious if two copies of the same player would have the exact same patterns on the front. Curious enough that I want another copy of this Cruz to check.
I have a Michael Young atomic refractor on the way so I'll be sure and show that one off when it gets here. I know you just can't wait!
Since I did use Night Owl's post title, I'll give a nod to his boy Clayton Kershaw for winning his 20th last night.
I really don't care if I get another atomic refractor ... actually, who am I kidding, sure I do ... as long as I have one of Kershaw.