Friday, August 9, 2013


It's been nearly two years ago now, but some of you will recall that I got lucky and pulled a 2011 Lineage Ian Kinsler auto from a rack pack.  If you didn't see that post or need a refresher, you can check that post out here.

Not even a month later, I was in one of the Daily Dimwit's box breaks and he pulled a redemption for the very same Kinsler auto.  I don't know why I was able to pull that autographed card from a pack one month and get a redemption card for it the next.

I redeemed the card and sort of forgot about it.  One day I got an email from Topps asking if I wanted a substitute since the card was taking so long.  Having seen some of the replacement cards other people were sent by the folks at Topps, I opted to wait.  Again, I forgot about the card until one day, a small envelope arrived in the mail.

Nearly two years after I redeemed the card, it finally arrived.  Good things do come to those who wait.

Or maybe it's good things come to those who forget.


  1. Nearly 2 years to get a redemption? I don't feel nearly as bad now having never pulled a redemption card.

    1. P.S. - It was a great card two years ago, and it's still great now. Well done, sir.

  2. Congratulations. I recently received a pair packages from Topps. I was completely stumped because the return address said Tristar on them. Anyways, I was very happy with the contents: my two 2013 Archives autograph redemptions.

  3. Cool redemption, i am still waiting for a few !
