Thursday, November 11, 2010

Post #700: Happy Veteran's Day

I can't think of a better way to use post #700 than to say thank you to all the veterans out there who have sacrificed their time and in many cases, their lives, so we may all enjoy the freedom of living in the greatest country on Earth (no offense to my Canadian or English friends).

I had the distinct privilege to serve in the U.S. Navy and do things very few people have every done. I look back on those days with fond memories and with gratitude to the men and women I had the honor to serve with in various duty stations around the world.

Regardless of your opinion of the current political situation in our country, we all owe a debt to those who have given of themselves so we can enjoy the freedom we have today.

So I say thank you to all those in service today, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the skies above and seas below.

Thank you to all the veterans of the past, from the Minutmen of the Revolutionary War to the members of the Greatest Generation and everyone in between and since.

Thank you for making it possible for us to work, live, eat, worship, vote, and even blog the way we want. Without you and your sacrifices, we would all be living in a very different place.

God bless you and your families now and forever.


  1. Thank you for your service in the Navy. As a former Marine, I appreciate the ride, Swabby! LOL Happy Veteran's Day!
