Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thanks to Fuji for the directions on how to subscribe to blog posts

Fuji, from The Chronicles of Fuji, commented on my post about the problem with not being able to "subscribe" to comments.

If you're using Blogger, he gave directions on how to add the "subscribe by email" feature. Here are the directions for those of you who might want to add this to your blog so us commenters can see other comments.

Step 1: Go to your blogger settings page.

Step 2: Find the "comments" tab and click on it.

Step 3: Scroll down to the part where it say "Comment Form Placement" and select "Embedded below post".

Thanks Fuji!


  1. Thanks, I just made the changes on my blog - hopefully that will solve the issues.

  2. Anytime my friend... anytime.

  3. I had to change mine to these settings when I figured it out last week. I'm not sure why Blogger took the subscribe feature out of the pop-up windows when they changed the word verification to to words. I was going to do a post on this since I like to read other's thoughts on posts I comment on but you beat me to the punch!

  4. I'm not seeing this function, maybe I'm just blind.
